All Youth get Inspired, Motivated and Achieve (AYIMA) is an Online Platform created by scholarly community of academicians and reflective practitioners aimed to improve the Human Development Index (HDI) along with a larger goal of Social Upward Mobility of the Community, especially the Adivasi Youth.

The Adivasi Community; officially referred to as "Tea & Ex-Tribes" by the Government of Assam are more than 3.5million in number, with more than 60% of its population living and working in 800 plus Tea Estates across the State. They are one of the most backward and exploited communities in Assam for the past 18 decades. The literacy rate of the community is around 20% as on date.

The members and promoters of AYIMA believe that if this community, especially the youths, are provided with right direction and environment (despite limited social, economic and political provisions), their human capabilities could be enhanced. To this end, AYIMA provides a whole range of services such as (a) the opportunity for social interaction among individual achievers, entrepreneurs, scholars and professionals from multiple disciplines across the globe, (b) conducts regular global webinars where achievers from the Adivasi community share their secret of success, motivate and guide the youth, (c) uploads updated information and resource materials especially on competitive exams and job opportunities, (d) uploads motivational documentaries and short videos, (e) provides career guidance and counseling, etc.

Join the chain of achievers to break the chain of perceived inability, ignorance and incompetence.